Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Green computing in IT corporations

The term “green computer" appeared in 1992 and was proposed by Energy Star. More than 15 years passed away but still green computing has not been well taught in computer science.  But there are several successful projects regarding this theme.  

For example: IBM’s “Project Big Green” with a 42% power savings, a green computing project conducted at Indiana university reduces 48.3% energy by applying “sleep mode” on a cluster, project of University of Colorado shows how to achieve 80% energy savings in high performance computing and other.[2]

A huge American chip manufacturer INTEL proposed a new technology called Intel SpeedStep. SpeedStep, SpeedStep II, SpeedStep III builts into some Intel microprocessors. This technology manipulate a clock speed of the processor. Actually running a processor at high clock speed provides the best performance of the computer. But at the same time it provides a huge energy usage. Running a processor at lower speed supplies less power and lower performance. But we don’t need the highest performance all the time. So this Intel SpeedStep technology changes the clock speed automatically or allow user to change it manually at any time.

Check out this link to find out what is Intel SpeedUp Technology ---->

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