Wednesday 2 November 2011

Problem and solution

Problem statement
 Our university tries to lead and inculcates new technologies. Recently Limkokwing University launched Digital Innovation Centre, which is full of new computers and other techniques. Nevertheless, our recent research has shown that there are whole University laboratories that need to be updated. We took as an example lab 14, where we found 25 old computers. Under “old computers” we mean that hardware and software need to be upgraded because of low overall computer performance.
  • We have 25 computers to upgrade
  •  Need to upgrade a hardware
  • Need to install new software (first of all - operating system) 
  •  Renewed laboratory should comply with Green Tech concept

Problem solution
  • To design a renewed computer based on the old one
  • To choose suitable hardware
  • To choose suitable software
  • To attract staff and IT students for updating work

  •  To improve the performance of computers
  •  To build a machine suitable for applications with heavy programs such as Adobe    Photoshop, 3Ds MAX, Real Tournament
  • To introduce the concepts of Green IT
 This work can be used for upgrading another LUCT’s labs such as lab 24, lab 27, computer room in library.

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